Avocat, conseil juridique et consulting réglementaire en M&A et conception et structuration de produits et services financiers, notamment pour la FINTECH et le crowdfunding

Conceiving & structuring


Activities interconnected with financial regulations and
in constant evolution...


We offer extensive expertise in marketing and sales of securities, whether the transaction is for a small or large number of investors, through a diversified experience in securities law, asset management and  banking intermediation, financial and insurance.

These operations include public offering of securities, private placement, raising funds by crowdfunding service provider, commercialization of tax optimization products, complex financial products sold through life insurance agreements.

The usual marketing arrangements covering advertising, direct marketing, the use of related (investment) services. 

Depending on the nature of the securities (shares, bonds or other securities or units issued by collective investment organizations or certain alternative investment funds (AIF)), marketing opportunities, the capacities and the constraints applicable to the various stakeholders and compensation patterns are variously framed.

These matters are supervised by the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) and the Prudential Control Authority and Resolution (ACPR), under the aegis of European regulations.


We operate mainly for investors and financial intermediaries:
  • regulatory structuring for private placements: Fundraising, non guaranteed placement and other investment services (such as reception and transmission of orders, investment advising, crowdfunding services)
  • Creating commercial companies, regulated investment vehicles and other entities carrying out services in connection therewith,
  • FINTECH: creation and support to digital platforms or intermediary actors in this field,
  • AIFM vehicles benefiting from exemption or searching for exemption from the requirement of approval "full AIFM".
  • Regulatory structuring for selling securities of public companies: friendly tender offer, delisting, exemption to the mandatory public offer, IPO, private placement of securities block by Accelerated Book Building (ABB), Equity linked, asset linked notes
  • Payment Service Providers (PSP) and PSP officers.


  • Permit to exercise the advisory business crowdfunding  (CIP) or investment service provider  (ISP / EI) for players crowdfunding with the AMF and ACPR
  • Regulatory structuring of digital platforms for investment investments (under Midif 2 european directive)
  • Organization of private large-scale investment transactions (or smaller) on SME equity securities under tax reduction
  • AIFM Regulatory structuring for real estate club deals clubs, holding, joint venture
  • Private placement under the procedure of ABB ( accelerated book building) on the European and US stock markets
  • simplified takeover bid for a major player in the field of cooperage and corking on Eurolist of Euronext Paris


  • Anticiper les voies de sortie de la cote ou le parcours de l’initiateur en quête d’une radiation, Bulletin Joly Bourse n°4, avril 2016
  • Publicité pour le crowdfunding : légalisation n’est pas libéralisation! La Tribune, novembre 2014
  • Vers un modèle de crowdfunding à la française, La Tribune, 3 avril 2014
  • Crowdfunding : portons la voix française au-delà de la voie du compromis, Capital Finance, décembre 2013
  • Placements privés : la réglementation évolue, les contraintes pratiques demeurent, Option Finance, Septembre 2012


  • Speaker in trainings dedicated to members of the AFIC (now France Invest) about:
  •  the impact of the Florange law in the French stock market regulations (amendment of public offerings regime, reduction to 1% of speeding and introduction threshold a sunset threshold)
  • the price expertise mechanisms in case of disagreement about price in M&A deals or in implication of shareholders' agreements
  • Speaker in trainings dedicated to equity crowdfunding platforms
That kind of services can be included in more comprehensive missions
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